Florence's Haven

Karin's Sun Border

Mary's Meadow

Nectar Garden

Polo Pony Bed

Pump House Garden

Spalding's Path

Spruill Woods

Walnut Grove

William's Hillside


Tack Shed

   Buttonbush with butterfly  Button Bush
  The Button Bush, Cephalanthus occidentalis, is located to the right of the Tack Shed door. The small sphere blooms are quite distinctive in the early summer. This plant is native to the southeastern United States but not commonly seen in many residential gardens. It is surrounded by several large Virginia Sweet Spire plants. The long sweeping white  blooms of the Virginia Sweet Spire are stunning in their graceful appearance. Both of these plants have distinctive blooms which add a great deal of interest to any garden.
   Sweetspire  Itea Itea
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