North Georgia State Fair Flower Show - "Celebrations"  Floral Design entrants

 Week One

Entries were judged on Sept. 18th.

Click on thumbnails to see larger images.

Designs are shown from blue through white ribbons, left to right.


See designs from Week 1.

Class 1 "Wedding" Once in a Lifetime - Why not be extravagant? A Creative Mass design

Class 2 "Graduation" It's all about transition. A construction design.

Class 3 "Fridays" There's no day like Friday for celebrating! An abstract creative design.

Class 4 "Independence Day" Celebrating our heritage with exuberance." An illuminary design.

Class 5 "Groundhog Day" What will the future bring? A transparency design.

Class 6 "Thanksgiving" A traditional family gathering time.  A Type 1 Exhibition Table.

It should not be necessary to say that these designs are presented for the purpose of inspiring creativity among other floral designers.  Designs are the creative product of the designer and should never be copied.